Allt frá landnámi hafa fiskveiðar verið mikilvægasta atvinnugrein þjóðarinnar og fyrr á öldum sóttu erlendar þjóðir stíft á miðin kringum Ísland. Baskar stunduðu hér hvalveiðar, Frakkar voru hér langdvölum og Norðmenn reistu hér bæði hvalstöðvar og síldarverksmiður, auk þess að stunda hér línuveiðar. Ísland var miðstöð hval- og síldveiða og erlendir sjó- og kaupsýslumenn settu sín spor í íslenska menningu, tækniframfarir og atvinnuhætti. Víða um land er að finna minjar um horfna tíð, spor í söguna sem eru verðmæti á heimsmælikvarða.
Tækniframfarir hafa verið miklar, frá útgerð á litlum árabátum til verksmiðjutogara og vinnsla í landi hefur sömuleiðis tekið miklum stakkaskiptum. Þekkingin hefur breyst sem og mannlífið og menningin.
Systems of production and social discourse: The skipper effect revisited |
In this article from the year 1990 Gísli Pálsson and E. Paul Durrenberger revisit a discussion on the "skipper effect" and point out that while there may be strong skipper effect in some societies, in other societies it is weak or neglible. They suggest that it is important to distinguish between the statistical reality of the skipper effect and its sociology and that the concept of skipper effect is of limited utility in comparative studies, since different researchers using it have not always been talking about the same phenomena and fishing success is conceived differently in different societies.
Systems of production and social discourse: The skipper effect revisited |
Schooling and skipperhood: The development of dexterity |
An article from the year 1999 where Gísli Pálsson and Agnar Helgason examine the differences in the performance of fishing skippers both in and out of school and explore the development of dexterity and the connections among fishing practice, and fishing success. Using an ethnographic and statistical analysis they found indications that, contrary to the prevailing assumptions of many educators, skippers´ performance in marine school has little direct relation to success in fishing. While schooling serves an important service, critical abilities required for locating and catching fish are largely developed in the course of everyday practice.
Schooling and skipperhood: The development of dexterity |
The virtual aquarium: Commodity fiction and cod fishing |
Gísli Pálsson in this article from 1998 deals with the commoditization and pricing of environmental goods, in particular the practice and social theory of individual transferable quotas (ITQs) in fisheries, emphasizing ethnographic material related to the management system introduced in Iceland in 1984. He argues that Icelandic fisheries discourse is increasingly textual and hegemonic, dominated by marine scientists, resource economists and state officials. At the same time, the allocation and exchange of quotas are matters of an ongoing moral debate.
The virtual aquarium: Commodity fiction and cod fishing |
The idea of fish: land and sea in the Icelandic world-view |
Gísli Pálsson dicusses the place of aquatic animals in the Icelandic world-view and explores the correspondence between human society and representations of water beings during the era of household production. The article further examines how ideas about the fish world have changed during this century as Icelanders have entered into new kinds of social relationships. Gísli takes here the theoretical position that some animals, because of their anomalous position, are better to think with than others and suggests that symbolic expressions should be studies in a context of development over time.
The idea of fish: land and sea in the Icelandic world-view |
Í grein sem birtist í Sjómannadagsblaði Vestmannaeyja árið 2001 fjallaði Gísli Pálsson um áhrif sjóslysa sem „hvíldu á árum áður eins og þungur skuggi yfir flestum sjávarplássum við Norður-Atlantshaf." Með föður sínum rifjar Gísli upp atburði í tengslum við Gand NK sem fórst haustið 1942 og Langanes NK sem sökk við Eyjar árið 1959 og þau áhrif sem þessir atburðir tveir höfðu á þá sem þeim tengdust með einum eða öðrum hætti. „Hafið heggur sín skörð, tortímir og sundrar vinum og fjölskyldum, en það er jafnframt skapandi þáttur í mannheimi sem tengir fólk nánum böndum, oft með óvæntum hætti."
Síðasti róðurinn |
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