In order to achieve the desired results various activities and seminars will be organised by the project partners, including the following:
Four transnational seminars for the purpose of dissemination and discussions with the participation of people from all project partners´ countries. The aim of such seminars is intense dissemination of European cultural fishing heritage; using technologies, such as video-conference, interactive presentations and multimedia to enable cultural heritage travel “virtually” to different places in Europe. This will provide the opportunity of presenting and discussing existing methods and practices in different communities. Each seminar will pay special attention to an aspect considered crucial for dissemination, valorisation and sustainability of cultural fishing heritage, such as resource mapping, stakeholder involvement or networking activity. The seminars will be open to the public and non-participants will be invited to present activities and initiatives from their localities or areas. This will result in broader knowledge of European cultural heritage, methods and practices.
Four transnational meetings of experts will be held following the seminars with the participation of professionals from project partners´ countries. They will evaluate results and process emergent information from the seminars. The meeting will also provide a venue for the sharing and transfer of knowledge and best practices in achieving the objectives as defined in the project and provide guidelines and examples for the elaboration of a methodological pack concerning the valorisation and dissemination of European cultural fishing heritage.
Seven transnational study visits will take place following the seminars, partner coordination-and management meetings. The objective of study visits is the gathering of knowledge, comparison and study of different initiatives linked to valorisation, use and dissemination of fishing cultural heritage in European areas participating in the project. This will provide conclusions about methodologies, models, and examples of successful practices.
Implementation of recommendations concerning methodologies, models and best practices arising from meetings of experts in participant areas. This way, learning will take place through practice and local participation enhanced; methodological guidelines can be realistically tested, rather than merely existing theoretically. This will attract the attention of media and administrations and keep the project “alive” throughout the project period thus increasing the potential for project sustainability.
Elaboration of a survey about cultural fishing heritage throughout Europe. Every partner will provide concise reports with a brief analysis of the situation of cultural fishing heritage in their own country in addition to 2-3 other European countries. This will provide some information useful for European administrations or policy makers interested in improving their own situation regarding fishing cultural heritage. Further, additional data concerning good practices will be available as will the potential for enchancing European Network activities.
Elaboration of a methodological pack including guidelines and practice examples from all over Europe. This tool is intended to help European professionals, promote good practice, enhance methodological and well-planned work, and, in summary, improve practice when valorising and disseminating fishing cultural heritage. It will also foster the benefits of networking and working at transnational level (with good practice examples)
MATE (Movement, Arts, Tales, Expression) activities consist of using different artistic expressions in order to valorise and disseminate European cultural fishing heritage. Through painting, literature and theatre activities a coherent sequence throughout the project months will take place. A contest of literature and painting will be launched in every participating country the results of which will be presented during the project seminars.Theatre groups will be approached for production of plays based on writings and paintings from the contest. In the final seminar, artists from all over Europe will participate to present different artistic expressions linked to the MATE principles.
Creation of a European Cultural Fishing Heritage Network will be a continuous process throughout the project. The Network will keep alive and promote ongoing valorisation and dissemination of cultural fishing heritage and provide a venue for the exchange of knowledge, strategies and be a hub for communication and linkages between people and projects. An ICT-based platform will be designed to disseminate it in general, and to provide a permanent meeting place for all members.